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Student Projects

Logo design example drawn by the Art students on the whiteboard

Usually the whiteboard is the teacher’s crowning spot, where different instructions are written down in red, blue, and black markers, such as learning intentions, homework, keywords, demonstrations, and diagrams. Especially in the art class room, I could rarely see while shadowing students being called at the whiteboard other… Read More »Whiteboard engagement

Whiteboard engagement

I planned this exam brief for a group of first years that were studying the Art Elements through drawing under the theme Animal Portraits. During their studies, the pupils used various animal models as primary sources. For the December exam I asked them to pick two animals and… Read More »Hybrid Creatures

Hybrid Creatures

This exam brief was given to a 1st year group working under the theme Nature’s Treasures. In order to enhance their imagination they were asked to come up with a concept car that is inspired from nature based on an organic primary source. To add more meaning and… Read More »Biomorphic Car

Biomorphic Car

This exam brief was addressed to a 1st year group where several have learning difficulties. The class had also missed three out of six classes of drawing under the theme Botanical Illustration. I planned an exam that would involve the figure already in place for the students to… Read More »Biomorphic Outfit

Biomorphic Outfit

art element group assessment

In order to strenghten the 1st years knowledge on the Art Elements, I initiated a group learning activity through an Art Elements quiz. The Questions developed for the quiz would check prior knowledge (line, shape, form), would check today’s activity (colour principles) and would try the existent knowledge… Read More »Questioning & Group Quiz

Questioning & Group Quiz